
Kyla Chambers Wellness Coaching promotes holistic health, intertwining physical fitness with the tranquility of nature. Her services, including personalized fitness plans and mindfulness techniques, cater to clients seeking more than physical fitness. Rooted in trust and professionalism, Kyla's approach simplifies the wellness journey, providing stability and support as she guides clients towards a balanced lifestyle embodying grace, flexibility, and holistic well-being. Kyla caters to clients seeking balance in life, guiding them on a journey towards holistic wellness through her unique blend of fitness and natural tranquility.

The challenge for Kyla Chambers Wellness Coaching business is to visually encapsulate and convey the essence of its unique philosophy. This includes balancing physical fitness and natural elements, simplifying and bringing clarity to the wellness journey, and demonstrating the reliability and professionalism of Kyla's coaching style. It's crucial to present this philosophy in a way that is consistent, visually appealing, and easily understood by the target audience.

Kyla Chambers
Wellness Coaching

a passion project

The logo for 'Kyla Coaching' is an embodiment of the brand's ethos - a harmony between physical fitness and the natural world. At first glance, the design presents a fluid, abstract image of a woman engaged in a yoga pose. This not only signifies physical well-being but also grace, balance, and flexibility, vital attributes that Kyla cultivates in her coaching.

The figure also appears as leaves, subtly underlining the brand's commitment to holistic wellness rooted in natural and earthy principles. This dual imagery creates a seamless blend of nature and fitness, perfectly encapsulating Kyla's approach towards wellness.

The choice of colors, Zen Clay and Serenity Bark, are earth-toned, reinforcing the connection to nature and a grounded, holistic approach to health. These colors convey warmth, stability, and reliability, in line with Kyla's trustworthy and professional coaching style.

In the various adaptations of the logo, the design's subtlety is highlighted with the artful incorporation of the letters 'K' and 'C'. The letters are subtly carved within the logo's circle, becoming an integral part of the yoga pose or leaf design. They serve to transform the logo from just a symbol into a genuine representation of 'Kyla Coaching'.

As such, the logo becomes a visual narrative that embodies Kyla's philosophy, her approach, and her unwavering commitment to the well-being of her clients.

Color Palette


  • Main Color 1 (#9F6243): Named "Serenity Bark," this color is reminiscent of the soft, earthy hues of tree bark. It emits a sense of warmth and grounding, akin to the stability Kyla's coaching aims to provide.

  • Main Color 2 (#8A5A53): The color "Zen Clay," or #8A5A53, complements "Serenity Bark." It's a rich, deeper shade that evokes a sense of groundedness and serenity, aligning with the brand's holistic approach to wellness.

  • Background (#E0DEDA): This neutral off-white backdrop called "Tranquil Quartz" allows the main colors to pop and the details to shine. It brings to mind the calmness of a clear, open sky or the smoothness of a river stone, subtly reinforcing the brand's connection to nature.

  • White Accent / Font Color (#FFFCF3): This soft, warm white is perfect for adding crispness and clarity to your design. The warmth of "Ivory Whisper" imbues a sense of comfort and peace, like the soft glow of a candle during a calming yoga practice.

  • Dark Accent / Font Color (#2A2A2A): This "Meditative Charcoal" color is a powerful, deep shade that brings depth and sophistication. It anchors the palette, making it ideal for text and accent details, providing a visually grounding point amidst the softer tones.

Together, these colors form a balanced, earth-inspired palette that beautifully echoes Kyla's holistic approach to fitness and wellness. They create a harmonious visual experience, much like the balanced life Kyla's holistic wellness coaching clients strive for.

Font Suite


  • The Seasons: This font encapsulates a certain elegance and fluidity that aligns well with the brand's voice and vibe. It brings to mind the ebb and flow of the natural world and reflects the graceful movements and transformations Kyla promotes through her fitness coaching. The elegant, rounded characters in this font are not unlike the smooth, continuous lines in the logo design, further establishing the brand's visual consistency.
  • TT Norms: TT Norms is a modern, versatile sans-serif typeface. It's clean and highly legible, which lends a sense of clarity and straightforwardness to the brand's communication - mirroring Kyla's honest and direct coaching style. This font serves as a strong, unassuming foundation that complements the decorative nature of The Seasons, bringing balance to your typography, much like the balance Kyla encourages her clients to achieve in their lives.

The decision to use only two fonts is strategic. In design, less is often more. A limited font palette, like a limited color palette, helps maintain visual consistency and coherence. It also ensures legibility and readability. By carefully selecting and restricting ourselves to two fonts that work harmoniously together, we're able to create a clear and compelling visual hierarchy, guide the viewer's eye, and avoid a cluttered or confusing design. In this way, we're mirroring Kyla's mission to simplify and bring clarity to her clients' journey toward holistic wellness.

Mood Board

Color Palette


Kyla Chambers Wellness Coaching merges fitness with nature's calm. Offering custom fitness plans and mindfulness practices, her services extend beyond physical wellness. Kyla's trust-based approach simplifies the path to a balanced lifestyle of grace and holistic health.

Her challenge lies in visually expressing this unique philosophy, demonstrating balance between fitness and nature, clarity in wellness, and Kyla's professional reliability. It's vital to present these principles in a consistent, visually pleasing, and audience-friendly way

Kyla Chambers
Wellness Coaching

a passion project

The 'Kyla Coaching' logo harmonizes physical fitness with nature. It portrays a woman in a yoga pose, signifying grace, balance, and wellness. This figure also resembles leaves, highlighting the brand's earth-centered approach to health.

Using earth-toned colors, Zen Clay and Serenity Bark, reinforces this natural, grounded ethos. The design subtly incorporates 'K' and 'C', becoming more than a symbol - it represents Kyla's commitment to her clients' well-being.

The logo hence serves as a visual narrative, encapsulating Kyla's holistic approach to wellness.



  • "Serenity Bark" (#9F6243) offers a warm, grounding presence, reflecting the stability from Kyla's coaching.

  • "Zen Clay" (#8A5A53) is a deeper hue, embodying grounded serenity that aligns with Kyla's holistic wellness approach.

  • "Tranquil Quartz" (#E0DEDA), an off-white background, enables main colors to stand out while connecting to nature's calm.

  • "Ivory Whisper" (#FFFCF3) is a soft white, adding crisp clarity and a comforting peace to designs.

  • "Meditative Charcoal" (#2A2A2A) provides a deep, sophisticated anchor, perfect for text and accents.

These colors form an earthy palette, harmoniously echoing Kyla's balanced approach to fitness and wellness.


Color Palette

  • "The Seasons" is an elegant, fluid font that echoes the brand's ethos and the natural world's rhythm, mirroring the grace Kyla cultivates in her coaching. Its smooth, rounded characters align with the logo, reinforcing the brand's visual consistency.

  • "TT Norms" is a clean, legible sans-serif typeface, reflecting Kyla's direct coaching style. It provides a robust foundation, complementing "The Seasons," and promotes balance in the typography, resonating with Kyla's emphasis on life balance.

The strategic use of just two fonts maintains visual coherence and ensures legibility. This selectivity creates a clear visual hierarchy and avoids a cluttered design, mirroring Kyla's mission to bring clarity to the wellness journey.


Font Suite

Beautiful Beach


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